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Time Raiders


Main » 2012 » July » 02
The construction of "Time Raiders: When World's Collide", the second chapter/second book has begun. The layout of the various needed scenarios; Planet, Characters, Storyline, Sub-Plots and Ending have all been prepared for "Immediate" editing.

"The second chapter, with the title having been decided on being called 'When World's Collide', has been written between the gaps of 'On A Storyteller's Night Book 2' eBook, Kindle and Paperback release, as well as the completion of our newest high technology novel 'Hacker: Electronic Army', which was first written in the early 1990's. Readers and followers of the 'Time Raiders: Chronicles' series will find a slight change in the storyline, but nothing too drastic as to challenge the first chapter," revealed MKDS, the Writer and Author of the series.
Category: Characters | Views: 571 | Added by: MKDS67 | Date: 12 July 02 | Comments (0)

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«  July 2012  »
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