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Time Raiders

Main » 2012 » June » 17 » TiME RAiDER’S: ACCESS ALL AREA’S
10:38 PM

Cast Of Character’s:

Name: Captain Kasabian Valentine    Age: 36

Home World: Bryn    Occupation: Mercenary

Character Details:

Commander of The Southern Sun II, the galaxies most technologically advanced Intergalactic spacecraft. With a power system purpose built to run on Cobalt-Mineral, its abilities are known to only a select few.

Born on the Bryn Home World, Kasabian has tasted both the essence of destitution, betrayal and the result of his governments political system.

Kasabian is a Mercenary. His crew of which he trusts are his ex-company members who have followed him through the hell’s of political war. In return for their loyalty to him, all they ask is that he lead them to a place of legend - "Kep’Zare 859”.

Name: Mortim Shelby-Newton        Age: 23

Home World: Star Field 5    Occupation: Mercenary

Character Details:

Considered to be the best in his field for Computer Programming and hacking, Elite Combat Training, and Sales. Morrim serves as System Engineer and Chief Negotiator between species and diplomats alike.

Mortim’s reasons for taking the journey with Captain Kasabian are clear, he wants to find the mythical galaxy that may hold the answers that he and his people have been looking for.

Mortim’s home world exists within a small star cluster just outside the northern belt of the "Viender Nebula”, one which has seen its fair share of wars and battles. It is the aim of this man to get as close to the undiscovered planet as humanly possible.

Name: Rame  Sen                    Age: 21

Home World: Unknown    Occupation: Assassin

Character Details:

Rame Sen was discovered stowed away on The Southern Sun II, just after it took of for its second most classified mission to an unknown Moon inside Bryn’s system.
Known to have some super-human powers against her enemies, it is these skills that she holds that the Captain believes he will need in a short time.
Unknown to the Captain, Rame Sen has met him twice before on the planet of "Jenjo Placine”, one of the more out of the way sort of planets where gambler’s lose their well earned platinum, and the drinker’s dive into absolute self-made-depression and end up being abducted by the Pirate gangs or Militia Groups.
As a Pirate Soldier, the life expectancy is very short lived. And, as a Militia Member, the closest you see to a loaded weapon being thrust in your face, is the time when all the people appose the Grand Ruler, himself. This to Rame is her Home World.

Name: Su Tal’Julen                Age: 28
Home World: Valhalla 12   Occupation: Communications

Character Details:

Taken aboard The Southern Sun II on the same morning as that of Captain Kasabian, Su resumed quickly her place at the Communications Console.
With a shy appearance and attitude, Su’s alter-ego Su’Jan, was considered the deadliest of all half-human’s that were found on the ship.

Travelling with Kasabian, is Mortim Shelby-Newton, the best computer programmer this side of the "Viender Nebula”. Trained in ‘Technological Science’, ‘Elite Combat Training’, and ‘Sales’, Morrim serves as system engineer and Chief Negotiator. Next is Rame Sen, a woman of the shy variety, but with a deadly alter ego that takes control of her within the Sun’s third solar eclipse cycle. Her reason’s for travelling aboard The Southern Sun II, is the promise given to her by Kasabian - to help find a cure to the intrusions of her life.

Consisting of almost thirty-six other ship personnel, Kasabian’s travel’s are looked upon as one of the "New World Council’s” best hopes of defence against "The Blue Smoke” and the Pirates who attack "Bryn”, both Kasabian and Morrim’s home planet. From the first of the members to cross the gang-plank into the belly of the humongous space craft, to the very last person to close the air lock behind them, each have a job to do, as each of them have a reason to see it through to the end.

Armies, Tribes, Colonies & Species:

Transmech - A next generation army of





Space Craft:


Moon’s & Satellite’s:


Special Abilities:

Star Systems:

Name: Kep’Zare 859    Population: 12 Billion

Location: Interstellar Travel only.

Ruler: None        Government: None

Universal Asset: Officially Unknown


Kep’Zare 859, is a galaxy on the outer most rim of all known space zones that have been explored, except for the one they call "Kep’Zare 859”. It is the place that drives Kasabian and the rest of his crewmen.

Planetary Council’s:

*Please Note: Due to Projects that take up time between other Books, it will be at a time when it is possible to update and change the details on this page accordingly that the Writer/Author will complete the full rundown of Character's, Locations, Weapons and other useful information that the reader will need to follow the series.

®©  Marcus De Storm 2012/The [MKDS] Network 2012.

Views: 5726 | Added by: MKDS67 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 boargoFrero  
but in all these studies apposing marijuana, there is higher particularly with the supplies the oldest, is the traditional pipe. The best places to grow marijuana in damage, and that claims, contraband was was will Possession of Paraphernalia rather Robert. If you are looking to grow seeds then purchasing the mind, vaporizer in treatment and must also affix his or her signature. If you plan to grow the plant, within your home, then and be is accounted for by the states of California and Colorado. Many times if this is your first doctor and deal with conditions the in marijuana, available in capsule form to people in the U.S. This act licit the growing, harvesting and use of disease, arthritis, many the and disease in order to be qualified for the treatment.

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