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Main » 2013 » June » 17 » On A Storyteller's Night Vol.1 (Paperback)
12:47 PM
On A Storyteller's Night Vol.1 (Paperback)


The Isle of Storm has had many tales to tell over the past ten thousand years; tales of Gods walking its soil, tainting its earth, battling the human mages of old, and watching, guiding, taunting the humans that remain there. From the pilot novel, "The Brotherhood Of The Realms”, the history of Storm Island is revealed piece by piece, from present to past, and vice-versa, the route is never the same – though the ending in most cases is of spilt blood and baring the ultimate sacrifice that only a mortal human being can offer. Whether your taste is in the crime or the horror, the outcome will be both the same, as you take to your journey down a road less travelled. Choose from the shorts of The Man In Black, The Haunting Of The Dog, Awakening, or that of The Bluebell Mystery. Each has its very own story to tell, each as individual as the next, but all with one true fact in common – The Isle of Storm. Death is not necessarily the end.

PRICE: $5.69

PRICE: £5.02

Category: Characters | Views: 522 | Added by: MKDS67 | Tags: storyteller's night, Gore-Horror, the brotherhood, mkds | Rating: 0.0/0
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